We are a local community campaign group concerned to safeguard the rural character of our neighbourhood. We have come into being with a particular focus on contesting the proposed mobile home estate on the nine acre greenfield site behind the "Wanborough Business Centre" on West Flexford Lane.


This is land designated as Green Belt and is earmarked for full AONB status as part of the  Surrey Hills boundary review.

 74 static caravans on greenbelt land

74 new dwellings or holiday homes are clearly inappropriate on this site. In 2019 Guildford refused planning consent for 11 houses on the same site. Reasons for refusal included:

  • Unacceptable urbanisation harmful to the open rural character of the area
  • Inappropriate development in the Green Belt
  • The development is likely to have an adverse effect on the natural environment

What You Need To Know

A New Village in Wanborough

How is it possible to build a new village of 74 homes  in greenbelt where previously Guildford Borough Council has refused planning for 11 houses? The answer is to exploit a loophole in planning known as a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLEUD). 

This paves the way for the landowner to move from using the land for occasional casual camping and caravanning  to a fully-fledged mobile home park. Following a 2020 Council decision to grant a CLEUD for year round assembly and leisure there is now little that stands in the way of a substantial development.  This is a development that ignores local planning policies and the usual constraints and considerations that are attached to regular planning applications. 

Can This Be Stopped?

We believe so. But we need Guildford Borough Council to pay this issue urgent attention. Our campaign focuses on getting GBC to act. We believe there are grounds for revoking the certificates of lawful development. (Ref Islington vs Ocado) Also, if these are allowed to stand there are planning, regulatory and licencing obligations that the Council should enforce which may mitigate the worst aspects of the planned site. (see update page)

How you can help

Sign Our Petition

Thank you to the 2,000 or so people who have signed our petition at There is still time to lend your support. 

Keep in Touch

Follow us on twitter, facebook & instagram and subscribe for email updates.


Talk to politicians

After the May election, we have two new new councillors representing Pilgrims ward - Matt Furniss and Sallie Barker.  Matt has been very active on this issue in his role as County Councillor (Shalford). We welcome their continued interest.